The strong shall be as tinder
a. The LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: God now addresses Judah, introducing Himself with titles showing His power and majesty. He is the LORD of hosts, “hosts” referring to the armies of heaven. He is the Mighty One of Israel, whom it is futile to oppose. The title itself is a wake-up call.
i. Bultema on the LORD of hosts: “Describes Him as the Warrior who has all the angels as mighty soldiers at His disposal in the battle against the wicked. This is God’s battle name and as a rule it signifies little good when He uses it in reference to His people, as is the case here. It usually implies that He considers and deals with His people as His enemies.”
b. I will rid Myself of My adversaries: The problem with the leaders and people of Judah was that they had set themselves as adversaries of the LORD. They were acting like His enemies. They were putting themselves in the path of judgment. They would find the hand of the LORD against them, instead of for them.
c. And thoroughly purge away your dross, and take away all your alloy: Dross and alloy are impurities in metal. God promised to “turn up the heat” and refine Judah, taking away their impurities. His goal was not to destroy; instead He says, “I will restore.” God will purify Jerusalem, to the point where Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.
d. Zion shall be redeemed with justice: God’s redemption and restoration are always done with justice and righteousness. He never saves or redeems at the expense of His justice and righteousness. Continue reading